Sex Advice for Seniors
Sex Advice for Seniors Podcast
Episode 48: The Clitoris is More than a Button

Episode 48: The Clitoris is More than a Button

Talking with our new co-host, sexologist Zoe Kors on the internal workings of the clitoris

Women’s bodies are a mystery, often as much to ourselves as to others with whom we are intimate. And nowhere is arguably more mysterious than the clitoris. While most people know what it looks like from the outside, far fewer recognise that it extends into the vaginal walls, where it has more than 10k nerve endings.

Together with my new co-host and author of the book Radical Intimacy, Zoe Kors, we talk about the internal workings of the clitoris, the emphasis placed on having an orgasm and whether or not we should be hung up on how many types of orgasms we have.

We also speak about self-pleasure, how it’s a woman’s responsibility to know her body, and the myth around men ‘giving’ women orgasms.

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Further reading:

Our Bodies, Ourselves Updated.

Come as you are.

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Sex Advice for Seniors
Sex Advice for Seniors Podcast
Everything you need to know to have a thriving, nourishing sex life as you age—whatever that means for you. Suzanne Noble is over sixty, sexually experienced and honest. She discusses her own experience and—as a woman in her sixties—brings years of sex and intimacy to reflect on in a witty, open and enthusiastic way. The series is dedicated to helping older people find their way to a healthy and enjoyable sex life. Whether you are just starting out with a new partner or continuing with an old one, there's sure to be something new here for you.