Sex Advice for Seniors
Sex Advice for Seniors Podcast
Episode 13: Cindy Gallop on Dating Younger Men

Episode 13: Cindy Gallop on Dating Younger Men

Reevaluating dating amongst older woman/younger men

Cindy Gallop is one of those women from whom energy emanates as waves as well as particles. She has been at the forefront of advertising and public affairs for many years and is also the main engine behind Make Love Not Porn, a site where ordinary people make erotic films and star in them themselves, beyond the clutches of what is often a very exploitative adult film industry. In this episode of Sex Advice for Seniors, Cindy talks about not only about the double standards that prevail in that industry but also in society in general when it comes to dating between younger men and older women. For many centuries it has been perfectly acceptable for older men to date, marry and bed younger women. Turn that equation on its head, however, and you also turn the heads of many who disapprove. The reason for this probably lies in the fact that the power dynamics involved in a sexual relationship between an older woman and a younger man challenges traditional gender relationships by putting sexual power into the hands of the woman.

As you will hear in this interview, Cindy disrupts expectations by stating that she is happy that she had no children, has no intention of entering into a long-term monogamous relationship with anyone and "cannot wait to die alone". Although this attitude may be shocking to many, Cindy is simply stating that we are now, especially at our age, able to design our own lives and should not put up with second best simply because that is what has traditionally been on offer. She dates younger men – often several at the same time and in various countries – because a) they have more staying and repeating power and b) because she finds them in general simply nicer than men of her own age. What she also points out is that there are plenty of younger men out there looking for older women and although she does not like the description of a "Cougar" woman, she is keen to get us to rethink ideas of promiscuity, monogamy and traditional sexual values.

The things said here will be challenging to many but should not be rejected out of hand, we believe. If you wish to know more about Cindy Gallop, you can find it at the following websites:

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Sex Advice for Seniors
Sex Advice for Seniors Podcast
Everything you need to know to have a thriving, nourishing sex life as you age—whatever that means for you. Suzanne Noble is over sixty, sexually experienced and honest. She discusses her own experience and—as a woman in her sixties—brings years of sex and intimacy to reflect on in a witty, open and enthusiastic way. The series is dedicated to helping older people find their way to a healthy and enjoyable sex life. Whether you are just starting out with a new partner or continuing with an old one, there's sure to be something new here for you.